How to knit your own ushanka

What is a Ushanka?

A ushanka is a Russian hat, typically made of woolen or synthetic fabric, with a triangular shaped top and a cylindrical lower part. The name derives from the Ukrainian word uchanka meaning “felt hat.”

How to knit your own ushanka

If you’re looking for an original winter accessory, consider knitting your own ushanka. These hats are traditionally made of wool and cashmere, but there are a variety of materials that can be used to create a unique hat. The process is relatively simple, and the end product will be a warm, comfortable accessory sure to turn heads when you wear it.

What materials do you need?

In order to knit a ushanka, you will need: yarn in two colors (main and contrasting), a size H/8 or I/9 crochet hook, scissors, and a ruler or tape measure. The yarn you use should be woolen, as the ushanka is made of this type of fiber. The main color should be light blue, while the contrast color should be dark blue.

Once you have gathered your materials, begin by casting on 72 stitches using the light blue yarn. Work 4 rows in stockinette stitch with the light blue yarn before beginning the pattern for the hat.

Row 1: K1, P1

Row 2: K2, P2

Row 3: P2, K2

Row 4: K3, P3

Rows 5-6: Repeat Rows 3-4. End with Row 6. Do not turn your work.

Now it’s time to start working on the brim of the hat. You will want to make five rounds of brim stitches before ending your work for this round. To do this, work these instructions: *K1, P1; rep from * around. Do not turn your work after completing these five rounds—you will finish it off later when you attach the brim to the hat body stitches! After completing these rounds of brim stitches, it’s time to start working on attaching the brim to

How to knit the hat

Starting with the right side facing, pick up and knit 38 stitches along the length of the cast-on edge. This will be the brim of your hat.

Row 1 (RS): Purl.

Row 2: Knit.

Rows 3-5: Repeat Row 2.

Next row: Purl.

Tie a knot in the end of the yarn after Row 5, then cut the yarn and pull it through both knots. The finished edge should look like this: purl along one side, knit along the other. The hat is now ready to be joined to the body of the ushanka by working back and forth in rows as follows: With RS facing, join yarn at front of hat, k1, work in pattern to end—36 sts remain. Work even in pattern for 1 inch more, or until desired height is reached from beginning of brim to centerpoint of crown (see Notes). Next row: [K2tog] 8 times—32 sts rem. Work even for 1 inch more, or until desired height is reached from beginning of brim to centerpoint of crown (see Notes). Next row: [K2tog] 4 times—24 sts rem. Work even for 1 inch more, or until desired height is reached from beginning of brim to centerpoint of crown (see Notes). Break yarn and pull tight through remaining sts to secure knot. Weave in ends.

How to knit the band

To knit the band, you’ll need to begin by knitting a circular patter of stitches. You can make your band as wide or narrow as you like, but be sure to keep the same number of stitches in each row. After completing the band, continue knitting until it measures about 1-1/2 inches wide. Next, turn your work so that the wrong side is facing and sc (single crochet) each stitch along the edge of the band. Be sure not to twist these stitches when you finish scribing them; just make sure they lie evenly on top of each other.  Finally, weave in any remaining yarn tails through these newly created holes.

Now it’s time to create your crown! Begin by knitting two circles from cozy white yarn; one slightly larger than the other. To create a perfect fitted crown, measure around your head using a cloth measuring tape then knit accordingly. If you want a looser fit, simply knit more rounds until desired gauge is reached. Once both circles are complete, start decreasing (working fewer stitches every round

How to knit the earflaps

How to knit your own ushanka:

If you’re looking for a warm and stylish winter hat, you can make your own ushanka using simple knitting technique. All you need is some yarn, a set of size 8 knitting needles, and some patience.

To start the hat, cast on 38 stitches. Work in pattern across the row, increasing by 2 stitches at the end of every row until you have 54 stitches. Switch to size 10 needles and continue working in pattern until the hat measures 6 inches from the beginning of the round. Round 1: K2tog, k1; repeat around. Round 2: Purl around. Fasten off and weave in ends.


If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to keep your head warm this winter, knitting your own ushanka is the perfect solution! Here’s how to knit your own ushanka:

1. Choose the yarn you want to use.

2. Cast on the required number of stitches onto the knitting needle.

3. Work each stitch in the ordinary manner until the hat is the desired length (in this example, eight stitches).

4. Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail end.

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