How to Find Evergreen Content Topics

Are you looking for content ideas that will be popular for a long time? If so, then you need to focus on creating evergreen content. This type of content is always in demand, and it can help you attract new readers and keep them coming back for more. Today, we will discuss how to find evergreen content topics that will appeal to your audience so that your website can thrive for many years to come!

Answer Common Industry Questions

Primarily, you should focus on creating content that answers common questions in your industry. These are the types of questions that people are always searching for answers to. They never go out of style because they are simply essential questions that people ask before they can make informed decisions.


To find these questions, you can start by brainstorming a list of topics related to your business. Once you have your list, try using a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Semrush to find popular search terms related to your topics. These tools will show you how many people are searching for these terms each month, which can give you a good idea of which topics are the most popular.


Of course, you can also contact SEO specialists in Rochester for help with finding the right evergreen content topics for your business. With the right professionals, you will be able to identify the best keywords and phrases to target as well as the types of content that will be most popular with your audience.

Always Have a Purpose

Often, the content that gets forgotten the quickest is the content that doesn’t have a clear purpose. If you want your content to be evergreen, make sure that it has a purpose. That could be to educate, entertain, or even just inform. As long as your content has a clear purpose, it will be more likely to be successful.

Be Thorough

When you are creating evergreen content, it’s important to be as thorough as possible. This means including all of the relevant information that your audience might be looking for. The more comprehensive your content is, the more likely it is to be successful.

Look at the Competition

If you want to find successful evergreen content, it can be helpful to look at what your competition is doing. See what topics they are writing about and see how popular those topics are; soon enough, you can get ideas for topics that you might not have thought of on your own.


Do they have an article from three years ago that’s still getting a lot of traffic? That’s probably a sign that it’s an evergreen topic. While you shouldn’t copy your competition, you can learn from them and create even greater content.

Think About Your Target Audience

When trying to come up with evergreen content ideas, it can be helpful to think about your target audience. Who are you writing for? What do they want to know? By thinking about your target audience and what they’re interested in, you can come up with topics that will be popular for a long time.


One common mistake people make when creating content is writing for themselves instead of their audience. It’s important to remember that your content should be created with your target audience in mind if you want it to be successful. Also, constantly update older articles with new information to ensure that they remain relevant.


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