How HoloKit X Can Turn an iPhone Into an AR Headset

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that has been rapidly gaining in popularity in recent years. AR applications allow users to see and interact with virtual objects in their surrounding environment. One such application that has seen significant growth in recent years is HoloKit X. HoloKit X turns your iPhone into an AR headset, making it possible to view virtual objects on the screen and interact with them in real time. HoloKit X provides a number of benefits for businesses and individuals. For businesses, it can be used to create immersive marketing experiences, enhance customer service interactions, or even train employees on new procedures. For individuals, it can be used to learn about products or services before purchasing them, see what other people are wearing, or participate in AR gaming experiences. If you’re interested in using AR technology but don’t know where to start, check out HoloKit X.

Table of contents

  • What is HoloKit X?
  • How does HoloKit X work?
  • What are the benefits of using HoloKit X?
  • How to use HoloKit X on an iPhone
  • Conclusion

1. What is HoloKit X?

If you’re looking to take your iPhone and turn it into an augmented reality headset, look no further than HoloKit X. This app allows you to create immersive 3D environments and view them directly on your device. You can also use HoloKit X to create AR apps, games, and more.

HoloKit X is free to download and use, making it a great option for anyone looking to get started with AR. You can create your own AR experiences or import content from other sources, including YouTube. Once you have created your project, you can share it with others via the app’s sharing features or by posting it online.

2. How does HoloKit X work?

With HoloKit X, you can turn your iPhone into an AR headset. You don’t need any other app or hardware to use it; just download and install the app on your phone.

Once you have installed HoloKit X, open it and select the “AR Mode” option. This will let you start using the app’s features right away.

To use HoloKit X, you first need to find an object or surface that you want to see in AR form. For example, if you want to see a recipe in VR form, find a cookbook on your kitchen table.

Once you have found the object or surface that you want to view in AR form, press and hold down on it until a hologram of it appears in front of your camera. You can now move around the hologram and explore it from all different angles.

3. What are the benefits of using HoloKit X?

HoloKit X is a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) development platform for iOS. It allows users to create experiences that can be viewed on iPhones and other devices with a compatible AR or VR headset. Some of the benefits of using HoloKit X include the following:

-The platform is easy to use, making it ideal for beginners who want to create immersive AR or VR experiences.
-It supports both 2D and 3D content, making it versatile for creating both 2D and 3D applications.
-The platform has an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to create and edit VR or AR applications.

4. How to use HoloKit X on an iPhone

To use HoloKit X on an iPhone, first download the app from the App Store. Once it is installed, open it and select the “HoloKitX” option. This will launch the HoloKitX application. Next, choose a scene or object to place into your AR environment. Once you have selected your object, click on the “AR button” in the toolbar to start the augmented reality experience.


With HoloKit X, you can turn your iPhone into an augmented reality headset. This app allows you to create and view 3D objects in the real world, which can be used for a variety of purposes including gaming, training and simulation. With HoloKit X, you can also add virtual content to any existing physical object, making it possible to create AR applications that interact with the real world. If you’re interested in using AR technology in your business or hobby, then HoloKit X is a must-have app.

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