How do you play the game of Duotrigordle?

What is Duotrigordle?

Duotrigordle is a two player abstract strategy board game from the Netherlands. The objective of the game is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces, except for the King. To do this, you must move your pieces around the board and try to surround them with yours. The King can never be captured. The game can be played in either a shortened or full form. In the shortened form, only three rounds are played, and the winner is determined by who captures most pieces (not by who has the King). In the full form, four rounds are played, and the winner is determined by who has the most pieces at the end (not by who has the King).

The Object of the Game

Duotrigordle is a game for two players that is played on a square board with sixteen squares. The players take turns moving one of their pieces, called a “duo,” either along the row or the column, according to the number shown on the piece. The object of the game is to move all of your duo’s pieces into the central square, called the “triangle.”

How to Play Duotrigordle

The game of Duotrigordle is a board game for two players that is easy to learn but complex to master. The object of the game is to move your pieces around the board and capture all of the opponent’s pieces, or to block their pieces from moving.

To play the game, each player takes turns moving one piece on the board. To move a piece, you simply place it on any space adjacent to another piece of your color. If you want to move a piece onto an enemy piece, you must first capture either the enemy piece or another friendly piece that blocks its path. You can also move a piece by jumping over it, as long as it’s not on top of another enemy piece.

If you capture an enemy piece, you remove it from the game and can either keep it or give it to your opponent as a prisoner. If you block an opponent’s piece from moving, they must cancel their current turn and try again later. In addition, if you manage to surround all of your opponent’s pieces, they lose the game!

Duotrigordle is a fast-paced and fun game that is perfect for two players who want something challenging but not too difficult. It can be played in minutes and is great for parties or family games night!


In this article, I will teach you how to play Duotrigordle, a game that is growing in popularity among Eurogamers. Duotrigordle is a two-player strategy game where each player tries to capture as many pieces of the other player as possible. I will also give you an overview of the rules and strategies involved in playing Duotrigordle, so that you can start playing it today and hone your skills to become one of the best players out there!

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