3 Factors To Consider Before Moving An Elderly Parent Into Your Home

When your parents start getting older, and they can’t do things on their own so easily anymore, you need to make some big decisions. If it isn’t safe for them to live independently, you should speak with them about what their options are. The three main choices are to get some in-home care, send them to an assisted living facility, or have them move in with you.

Many people think that moving their parents in with them is the best thing to do because it means they can look after them, save some money on care costs, and spend more time with them. However, it is a lot to take on, and often, it is not the best choice for them. Before you make any decisions, there are some key factors you should consider.

What Is Your Schedule Like?

Firstly, consider what your schedule is like. If you and the rest of the family are working all day and you have other responsibilities in the evenings and at weekends, when will you have time to care for your parents? Having them move in with you can be a good thing if you have time to spend with them, but if you don’t, they soon become isolated, and this can be incredibly bad for their mental wellbeing. In many cases, they may be better off somewhere like the Monarch senior living facility. In an assisted living facility, they will have constant interaction with staff and other residents, and there is always somebody there to make sure that they’re safe. If they need anything, somebody is on hand to help them. So, think realistically about your schedule and whether you can fit the added responsibilities of care into it.

Do They Have Medical Care Needs?

If they just need a bit of help with day-to-day tasks, that’s fine, and you can handle it yourself. But what if they have more advanced medical care needs? You may not be qualified to administer certain medications or treatments, and you could be putting them at risk if they don’t have access to professional medical staff. In-home care or assisted living is the safer option if your parents have a serious medical condition that needs to be managed.

Can You Afford The Extra Expense?

Finally, you need to think about the financial implications. Having an extra person move into the house is very expensive. You may also need to make adjustments to your home to help with their mobility (walk-in baths, railings, etc.) This all costs money, and if your budget is already stretched, it could land you in financial trouble. Often, this puts pressure on your relationship with your parents because resentment sets in. That’s why it’s so important to do the calculations first and make sure that you can actually afford to care for them before you invite them to move in.

Everybody wants to help their parents as they get older, but moving them into your home isn’t always the best option. Make sure you think about all of these factors and be honest with yourself about what is best for them.

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