The Australian Curriculum: The New Version 9.0 Sets The Expectations


The Australian Curriculum: The New Version 9.0 Sets The Expectations

In the new Australian Curriculum, students will be expected to have a strong understanding of science and mathematics. In this article, we will discuss the changes that have been made to the mathematics section of the new curriculum.

The mathematics section of the new Australian Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum in England and Wales. The main changes that have been made to the mathematics section of the Australian Curriculum are:

-More emphasis has been placed on problem solving and critical thinking skills.
-The number system has been revised, and students will now be expected to understand how to work with decimals and fractions.
-There has been an increase in the use of technology in mathematics lessons.

Overall, the new Australian Curriculum is a significant update to the mathematics curriculum. It sets expectations for students and provides them with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities.

What has Changed?

In September 2016, the Australian Curriculum was revised to make it more relevant to the 21st century. The main changes include adding more technology-based subjects, and making more use of digital resources.

The new version of the Australian Curriculum is called the New Version. It sets the expectations for students in Years 7-12 and is designed to prepare them for careers in the 21st century.

One of the main changes made with the New Version is the inclusion of more technology-based subjects. This includes topics such as information and communication technologies (ICT), digital storytelling, and coding. ICT skills are important not just for students who want to work in a technological field, but for everyone in today’s world. With so many different devices available, it’s important that all students have basic skills in ICT.

Another change made with the New Version is the use of digital resources. This includes things like social media, online databases, and video tutorials. Digital resources allow students to learn information quickly and easily. They also can be used to support classroom learning activities.

Overall, the New Version of the Australian Curriculum is an important update that sets the expectations for students

Why Do We Have A New Version Of The Australian Curriculum?

The Australian Curriculum, or New Version as it is more commonly known, was originally developed in the late 1990s to meet the changing needs of Australian students. The New Version was designed with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

One of the main reasons for developing the New Version of the curriculum was to ensure that Australian students were able to compete in a global economy. At that time, many businesses were looking for employees who were well-educated and had strong problem-solving skills.

Since its release, the New Version of the Australian Curriculum has been well-received by educators and parents alike. Many people believe that it sets the expectations of Australian students very high. However, some parents have complained that the curriculum is too challenging for their children.

Why is There a New Curriculum Now?

There is a new curriculum now in place in Australia because the previous one was not meeting the expectations of educators and students.

Students also have more opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities. For example, they can participate in sport or music programs outside of school. This helps to keep them active and motivated, which is important for their education.

Students and Parents Will Have to Engage in a New Way with the Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum, or New Version as it is officially called, has been released and sets the expectations for students and parents.

This new curriculum will be compulsory for all students from the beginning of school in 2020. This means that parents and students will have to engage in a new way with the curriculum.

Some of the key changes that students will need to be aware of are:
-All subjects will now be required, including English and Maths;
-There is more focus on creativity and innovation;
-There is more emphasis on global understanding;
-Students must complete at least 16 mandatory credits, including English and Maths;
-The National Curriculum provides a framework for teaching, but teachers are free to develop their own curricula within these boundaries.

Overall, this new curriculum sets high expectations for students and provides a framework that teachers can use to develop their own curricula.


It’s no secret that the Australian Curriculum is constantly changing, and with each new version comes a set of new expectations for students. The New Version of the Australian Curriculum (NVC) was released in 2017, and it has significantly changed the way schoolchildren are taught. In this article, we explore some of the most important changes you need to know about if you are planning to teach in an NVC school. We hope that this information will help you make informed decisions about which career path is best for you and your students.


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