How is the weed market growing in Burnaby?

Amazed about watching the growing popularity of the weed in Burnaby? Confused about it? You will get every particular reason behind the growing popularity of the weed market in Burnaby. Stay tuned, and read the complete article. And check out weed delivery on

The reason why it is gaining so much popularity is confidence in its usage because it offers multiple benefits in a short period. However, there are other things too that are contributing to its popularity. See each one of them one by one.

Marijuana is becoming more popular with Burnaby adults. The use of recreational substances is climbing further. Gallup issued a survey of Burnaby adults in mid-July that revealed that 45% of them had tried marijuana at least once. This is the highest rate Gallup has ever recorded in 48 years of asking the question. Experts believe that the rise in popularity and more tolerant views about marijuana use are attributable to the country’s shifting legal status.


Why is the use of weed growing in Burnaby?

According to a March poll conducted by Yahoo News/Marist College, the top four reasons individuals use marijuana are to relax, treat pain, enjoy the excitement, and help be sociable. Many individuals consume marijuana to unwind and fit in, but what are some reasons for its growing appeal among adults?

According to Hasin, one cause is the rising assumption that marijuana poses low hazards. Scare tactics were employed to deter young people from using marijuana in the 1960s and 1970s, and there was a sense that marijuana may lead to a person becoming hooked on heroin. 

According to Hasin, kids and adults are increasingly viewing marijuana as a natural drug that is relatively harmless. However, she stated that one of the acknowledged hazards of immediate usage is decreased driving abilities.


Many individuals presumably believe that smoking marijuana is less likely to lead to drug addiction than other illicit drugs. However, many studies that found marijuana to be less addictive than other drugs were conducted 25 years ago, when marijuana was less than it is now.


These more potent versions are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentrations, marijuana’s key psychoactive element. People may be taking these more potent versions in new ways, such as vaping or eating marijuana as an edible.

According to Hasin, researchers do not yet know how increasing potencies and innovative delivery techniques affect marijuana use problems.

Marijuana’s changing legal status in jurisdictions may also be blamed for evolving views regarding its usage and perceived hazards. According to Hasin, 29 states have enacted medical marijuana legislation, while voters in eight states have authorized limited recreational use among adults.

According to Hasin, two early adopters of marijuana laws. It demonstrates that the abundance of marijuana has led to greater overall acceptability of marijuana usage and higher views of the drug’s safety.

What is the brain effect? Is it positive or negative? 

One reason for weed’s popularity is that many individuals enjoy using it. The release of the brain chemical dopamine is the same for marijuana users as it is for other psychoactive narcotics like cocaine or heroin, says Francesca Filbey, director of the University of Texas at Dallas’ Cognitive Neuroscience Research in Addictive Disorders program.

THC binds to cannabinoid receptors, which are distributed all across the brain, according to Filbey. She claims that when THC attaches to the receptors, it increases the release of dopamine, which activates the brain’s reward system and adds to weed’s positive effects.

However, weed does not simply influence parts of the brain associated with pleasure. THC can also bind to receptors in the brain that regulate other forms of behavior, according to Filbey. According to her, it functions similarly to volume control, “shutting down” parts of the brain that regulate memory, focus, choice, motion, and sensory abilities.


What is the reason why the young population started consuming weed? 


  • Medical treatment is the factor. 

According to recent studies, at least 67.5 percent of the population currently has access to MMJ. It is a statistic representing about 222 million people. Estimates of the number of MMJ patients vary. According to the Marijuana Policy Project, there are 3.66 million state-legal patients. The state alone is responsible for almost half of that total! If you reside in a state where medicinal weed is not allowed, you may face criminal charges if you use it. Unfortunately, because it is still a federally prohibited narcotic, doing an extensive study on its uses is challenging.

  • Spiritual relevance 

Spiritual well-being is critical in the framework of total health. Anti-cannabis organizations easily ignore marijuana’s long and rich history. Weed was consumed for spiritual reasons and medicinal purposes by many ancient societies. Weed is listed as one of the “five holy plants” in the Atharvaveda, a sacred Indian scripture composed between 1200 BC and 1000 BC. The Scythians, who lived in modern-day Eastern Europe, smoked marijuana at funerals to honor recently deceased chiefs. Nevertheless, Herodotus described throwing seeds onto heated rocks and inhaling the vapors!


  • Relieve from stress 

‘Stoners’ spend most of their life intoxicated, with little drive or incentive to do anything. The assumption is that if you use a strong pot, you will drool on the sofa. Weeds supporters feel it is one way to ease stress.

Nonetheless, such people constitute a small proportion of the population. Cannabis is a possible stress reliever when used in small to moderate doses. The primary motive for smoking much high-THC marijuana is to become high.


The increasing popularity is basically due to the factors mentioned above. Finally, there are several reasons and incentives for trying weed, which is why people are turning towards it. Overall, it is exceedingly improbable that your high experience will be identical to anyone else’s. Those who utilize it for medicinal purposes frequently feel it is more effective than prescription medications. If you use it because of peer pressure, we recommend that you refrain from doing so until you are of legal drinking age. Weed might assist folks who are constantly stressed out by the rat race to rest and unwind. Finally, if you consume weed for the weed health benefits, employ caution.

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